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校园里饥饿的声音在最近一项皇冠官网app大学校园饥饿的研究中, 56% of 皇冠官网app students indicated that they were moderately food insecure.

  • 52%的人表示,他们买的食物不持久,他们没有足够的钱去买更多的食物.
  • 60% indicated that they couldn’t afford to eat balanced meals.
  • 45% have cut the size of their meals or skip meals because there wasn’t enough money for food.

2017年5月5日,星期五 皇冠官网app(皇冠官网app)接待了来自全州各地大学和社区合作伙伴的代表,在我们的大学校园里召开了一次皇冠官网app饥饿的会议. Sponsored by the 皇冠官网app Foundation, the program features keynote speaker 莎拉Goldrick-Rab, author of Paying the Price: College Costs, 金融援助, and the Betrayal of the American Dream, 以及在大学校园完成的一项全国饥饿研究的调查结果,以及皇冠官网app谁在挨饿的互动讨论, what resources are available and how we can do more. The materials on this page helped to shape the discussion.


莎拉·戈德里克·拉布的爆头照莎拉Goldrick-Rab博士.D.是高等教育政策教授 & Sociology at Temple University and Founder of the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, the nation’s only transnational research laboratory seeking ways to make college more affordable. 她是威廉T. 格兰特基金会的教师学者奖和美国教育研究协会的早期职业奖, and in 2016 POLITICO magazine named her one of the top 50 people shaping American politics. 她的新书, Paying the Price: College Costs, 金融援助, and the Betrayal of the American Dream is an Amazon best-seller, and has been featured on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” 《纽约书评 以及CSPAN的图书电视等.


今年早些时候, the Wisconsin HOPE Lab produced “大学里饥肠辘辘,无家可归,这是一份开创性的报告,评估了美国70多所社区大学学生的食物和住房不安全感.

学生的基本需求有保障吗? 你怎么知道?

调查塑造了皇冠官网app学生基本需求和我们在提高大学留校率方面面临的挑战的全国性对话. This fall the Wisconsin HOPE Lab is inviting 大专院校, 无论扇区或类型, 参与. To join, email Anthony Hernandez at the Wisconsin HOPE Lab by Thursday, June 1, 2017, at hernandez26@wisc.edu 主题为“秋季调查”.

阅读更多皇冠官网app该报告的内容 Medium.com.

回顾威斯康星希望实验室的“Guide to Assessing Basic Needs Insecurity in Higher Education" 了解更多 about conducting surveys and evaluations on college campuses.



The 皇冠官网app Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) organization established in 1986. Its mission is to obtain resources to support the College, thereby enabling students with diverse educational, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to benefit from a high-quality, affordable, 中学后教育.

The Foundation is led by a highly dedicated Board of Directors drawn from leading retail, 建设, hospitality, investment and insurance firms as well as civic organizations in the Boston area. 他们致力于推进学院的使命,并努力确保个人的私人捐款, foundations and corporations through personal solicitations, 拨款申请及筹款活动.

The Foundation solicits and accepts contributions, 管理和投资各种捐赠基金和财务资源,并为奖学金和学生支持服务提供资金, 包括紧急援助. All gifts to 皇冠官网app Foundation are tax deductible to the extent approved by law. Visit bhcc.Edu/foundation了解更多.



马萨诸塞州校园契约, a nonprofit coalition of more than 60 大专院校, 提供工具和资源,使我们的成员校园能够有效地参与对校园内外社区重要的问题. 我们帮助学院和大学实现他们的公共目标——教育学生成为公民,并通过合作伙伴关系来应对影响当地的挑战, state, 国家和国际社会.

While civic engagement traditionally looks at the issue of hunger outside of the institution, 我们相信,这些举措可以向校园社区内看,以支持解决校园食品不安全问题和支持学生保留的工作. 在粮食不安全等问题上, MACC与我们的成员机构合作,分享知识,发展集体能力,以解决影响学生成功和参与的问题. Visit compact.org/resource-posts/supporting-retention-through-food-and-housing-security 了解更多.


“免费食物”组织拯救了可能被浪费的新鲜食物,并将其分配给当地的紧急食品系统,使其能够送到有需要的人手中. Visit foodforfree.org 了解更多.

Food Link

Food Link gathers leftover bread items from area businesses like Panera Bread, 全食超市和Trader Joe 's超市让学生们从单站办公室领取并带回家. Visit foodlinkma.org 了解更多.


大波士顿食品银行每月在校园内提供流动市场食品储藏室,提供新鲜农产品和其他食品储藏室物品. Visit gbfb.org 了解更多.

In the News

我是一个低收入的大学生. 上课不是最难的部分
There are practical and immediate steps that can be tailored to the campus and student body, 无论是扩大饮食计划, as Connecticut College and Smith College did around recesses in the academic calendar; allowing meal-share programs on campus, 比如“刷出饥饿”, which permits students to donate unused dining credits for other students to use; or opening food pantries and food banks, 比如皇冠官网app, Appalachian State University and Columbia University.

President Eddinger Discusses Food Insecurity on NECN-TV’s “The Take with Sue O’Connell”
皇冠官网app (BHCC) President 帕姆蒂亚 joined Catherine D’Amato, President and CEO of the Greater Boston Food Bank, 在NECN-TV的《与苏·奥康奈尔同台》节目中讨论政府问责局(GAO)报告《皇冠官网app》的调查结果.”

作者:Jeremy Bauer-Wolf, Inside Higher Ed
Wick Sloane, an Inside Higher Ed columnist who also teaches 在皇冠官网app, 他在一次采访中说,他很欣赏这类研究,因为它们反映了他和他的同事在大学校园里看到的问题.

June 2017: ACCT Now Perspectives "Food for Thought"
When I started community college work 25 years ago, I never would have predicted that hunger and homelessness would be barriers to a college education. 在过去十年里, despite the difficulties we have faced as community college educators, 前进的道路已经确定, if complex...
On Friday, May 5, representatives from colleges and community organizations from across the state joined 皇冠官网app discuss a very real, very ugly, very urgent issue. 校园饥饿之声, 这是马萨诸塞州教育工作者和社区活动人士首次聚集在一起,关注大学校园里的食品安全和无家可归问题, 召集领导讨论这种剥夺如何影响学习和学生成绩, share approaches for helping students gain access to vital resources, forge meaningful partnerships between institutions and community partners to address these issues, 并制定一个实施制度的计划, and policy changes to achieve better outcomes for students.

March 20, 2017: Schools Programs Keep Hunger and Homelessness From Derailing Local Students
皇冠官网app student Michael Curran knows what it’s like to be homeless and struggling in school.
Curran, 28, of Medford, 是依靠学院的“单站计划”(Single Stop program)获取食物和其他资源来维持生活和学业的众多学生之一吗.

By Ashley A. 《皇冠官方APP下载》的史密斯
Community colleges that want students to graduate increasingly focus not just on academic needs, 但是在交通方面, 住房和食品问题.
At 皇冠官网app in Boston, 这所学校正在试行一项食品券计划,每天给100名低收入家庭的学生7美元,让他们从学校的自助餐厅购买食物.

To: All 2,000 delegates at this weekend's annual meeting of the American Council on Education
Your assignment for this annual meeting: make history for low-income students…
Pam Y. Eddinger,总裁 皇冠官网app, is advocating against student hunger with Goldrick-Rab, and sees every day both the benefits of proving food and the costs of student hunger.

作者:Daily Community College
少数民主党参议员希望政府问责局(GAO)就美国食品安全问题进行一项研究.S. 大专院校.
对于我们的一些学生, 每天都在纠结是把最后的钱花在食物上,还是坐地铁去上课,” said 帕姆蒂亚,总裁 皇冠官网app该公司每个月都会举办一个流动食品储藏室.

February 9, 2017: Homeless College Students Rate Rises Due To Hunger And School Fees, 可能看不到毕业
America continues to struggle with the rising cost of higher education. As the cost of college and university fees and tuition grows, 无家可归的学生人数也在增加.
在波士顿, 皇冠官网app is just one of the 25 food assistance programs in Massachusetts public college campuses.

February 8, 2017: Number of homeless, hungry college students continue to rise
作者:贾勒特·卡特(Jarrett Carter
皇冠官网app in Massachusetts is profiled as one of the state's 25 food assistance programs, 这是一个更大的学生服务计划的一部分,旨在帮助低收入家庭的学生减少完成大学学业的障碍.

February 8, 2017: The Number of Hungry And Homeless Students Rises Along With College Costs
这是无法避免的. 随着大学学费的增长, 研究表明,全国高校中饥饿和无家可归的学生人数也在增加.
"It's invisible even to me and I'm looking," says Wick Sloan. He came to 皇冠官网app in Boston more than a decade ago to teach English full time.

January 25, 2017: State’s public colleges see rise in hunger, homelessness
作者:nuhael Levenson,波士顿环球报
该州的学院和大学报告说,在过去的一年里,学生中的饥饿和无家可归现象有所增加, an alarming new disclosure that makes clear that…
克里斯托弗·阿吉雷(Christopher Aguirre)是一名20岁的学生 皇冠官网app 在查尔斯镇, is among those who have confronted homelessness and hunger while working toward a degree.

2017年1月24日:弥撒. Public Campuses See More Hungry And Homeless Students
马萨诸塞州超过三分之一的公立学院和大学中,饥饿和无家可归的人数正在上升, according to a report presented to the state higher education board Tuesday.
他今年就要从 皇冠官网app 在多次登上院长名单之后, he said, and has received more support there than from programs designed to serve homeless youth.

November 10, 2016: Hunger on College Campuses is Growing
作者:Lawndale News
“I missed the apples, but I got a lot of other good, healthy stuff,” says Flora, a 皇冠官网app (BHCC)的学生手里拿着一袋燕麦片, cauliflower, carrots, 地面土耳其, and enough yellow onions to fuel her favorite sofrito recipe. “我是拉丁裔,所以我必须有我的sofrito!她笑着说.

October 31, 2016: Western Mass Food Bank Sets Eyes On Root Causes of Hunger
The Western Massachusetts Food Bank wants to do more than just provide emergency meals…
领先的是 皇冠官网app, which opened a pantry after discovering students were going without meals. Now it has grown to be a national issue on college campuses.

October 28, 2016: President Of Largest Community College In Mass. 皇冠官网app学生饥饿
By: Alison Bruzek and Meghna Chakrabarti for WBUR
Dr. 帕姆蒂亚 的总裁 皇冠官网app since 2013. 本月初, 她在白宫被授予“变革冠军”的荣誉,因为她将大学教育扩大到代表性不足的群体.

October 26, 2016: ‘Starving Student’ Stereotype is No Joke: Hunger on College Campuses is Growing
“I missed the apples, but I got a lot of other good, healthy stuff,” says Flora, a 皇冠官网app (BHCC)的学生手里拿着一袋燕麦片, cauliflower, carrots, 地面土耳其, and enough yellow onions to fuel her favorite sofrito recipe.

September 27, 2016: Facing hunger on college campuses
作者:Laura Colarusso,波士顿环球报
It was a hot August afternoon, and about 100 students had assembled for the monthly food pantry at 皇冠官网app.

July 28, 2016: Measuring the Impact: Food insecurity hits schools nationwide, 延伸到高等教育
作者:Tara Garcia Mathewson for Education Dive
Teachers in Cambridge, MA, used to notice children behaving aggressively or struggling to pay…
At 皇冠官网app near Boston, 8,学校的14名学生中有000人,000名学生有资格获得佩尔助学金, and 1,000人有资格获得SNAP福利. “一站式”项目旨在帮助学生克服阻碍他们学习的经济障碍,打破贫困的恶性循环. 皇冠官网app President 帕姆蒂亚 estimates 2,500 students access Single Stop services each year.

May 13, 2016: Hunger on College Campuses: Another Barrier to Getting a Degree?
作者:Bob Hildreth,《赫芬顿邮报
维克·斯隆在 皇冠官网app, where he also manages the Emergency Assistance Fund.

April 29, 2016: A ‘Successful’ Conference on Hunger?
作者:维克·斯隆《Inside Higher Ed
I don’t have a clever lead paragraph for an essay about an oversubscribed conference on college…
自从来到 皇冠官网app 10 years ago, I’ve spent more time on hunger and food stamps than teaching College Writing I, 我原来的计划.

April 27, 2016: Food Assistance Put on Table for Low-Income College Students
The National School Lunch Program – the federally assisted and state-administered program that…
“例如, 皇冠官网app is working with its cafeteria vendor to buy a basic lunch (sandwich, fruit and milk) at wholesale rather than retail prices, and distributing those lunches to students in need,提案中写道。.



Kathleen B. O'Neill, Ed.D., Director

Email: kelarkin@bhcc.edu

Jean-Dany Joachim二级行政助理
Email: jjoachim@bhcc.edu

星期一至星期四:上午9点.m. - 5 p.m.

Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

617-228-3330  |  singlestop@bhcc.edu  
WebEx: http://bhcc.webex.com/meet/singlestop

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